Leaving a gap


Blogging has been interrupted in the last few days by the mundane, not least the removal of a wobbly old tooth – well, all my teeth are old except for the (many) crowned ones, and I of course am even older.

However, writing continues, plus editing and reading – an ideal life, in its way, although it’s going to be good when I can finally go and indulge in a little light gardening. Can’t do the heavy bits any more, but I’ve seen the gardener about once this month, a sure sign that spring is on the way.

And the primroses are thriving, like my own personal rainbow promise fulfilled. A good time of year indeed.


2 thoughts on “Leaving a gap

    1. Should think tooth is incinerated by now! The dentist said it was a nasty old thing and I’m better off without it.

      One of the great things about moving back home has been to see the primroses in the garden every year…..


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