Drewin learnt quickly, just as he had done in the Cavern, but he failed to master one skill: he could not find his way through the grass unaided. Chafrash tried to teach him: she drew maps on the ground to show where they were going; she explained how he should watch his shadow to adjust for the movement of the sun; she showed him how to keep to a straight line by feeling the wind on his face and watching the way the grass leaned. But to her it was second nature, something she had been able to do since childhood, and she could not really explain it to Drewin. Sometimes she would let him lead the way and try to let him learn by his mistakes, but he soon veered from the true direction, and she would have to correct him or face a very long journey. When they met other travellers she would sometimes discuss the problem with them, but usually they thought it was very funny. Before long, all the peoples of the plain knew of his affliction, and he became known as ‘Tendanta the wise, who does not know his way home.’

The Green