Monthly Archives: April 2016

Who’s looking at you, Kid?


(Apologies, Mr. Bogart.)

Now don’t tell me you never Google yourself, because I won’t believe you! For one thing, if you have any creative work you want to promote, it pays to keep an eye on how it’s doing out in the big wide world/universe/multiverse. I’ve just discovered something new on Google Scholar, well new to me – ‘My Library’ – a place to locate all articles and citations relating to your work. Here’s my link to show what it looks like.…

You can also keep a page of works you have cited.

I had no idea I was being mentioned/referred to/cited by anyone and just drifted onto this casually. Why not have a go yourself?

It’s Time To Get Personal: Conversations With The Internet

Great stuff!

Tara Sparling writes

I was havinga run-of-the-mill conversation with my laptop. This happens more often than you think.

The Internet: Hello, friend. How’s it hanging?

Tara: Ah, not too bad, thanks. I’d like to go online, please.

The Internet: Lovely. What about?

Tara: Well, I thought I might just mess about for a while. Maybe make a terribly sweeping statement. Alert people to a piece of information. Crack a joke. That sort of thing.

TheInternet: Oh, no. That won’t do at all. What was your first sad memory?

Tara: Why do you want to know that?

TheInternet: Never mind. What are you wearing?

Tara: A yellow tea cosy and a pair of…. Hang on a second. What’s this all about?

TheInternet:So would you rather talk about an ugly sexual experience in your 20s; depression, or a time you hurt someone close to you?

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All packed up!

5 packages are now ready for posting to the far-flung regions of the world. Everything would be fine if it were not for FaceBook, which has gone weird on me and is preventing me accessing the Timeline of my Eluth Publishing page to make new posts.

I have found solace in putting the final touches to my reorganised spare room, which now has nicer beds, mattresses, and bedding. First visitors to test it will be here tomorrow, so in my Dinosaurian way I will not be online while enjoying their company – back on Friday 29th,

Meanwhile if you feel an urge to wander in Skorn, here’s the link to follow…



Prince And The Feels

Tara Sparling writes

Jesus, but Prince dying was awful upsetting. I was on a generational cusp for David Bowie, but Prince meant something to me. I felt his music.  I had kisses to his songs. And although I never knew the man, he made me feel things sometimes. And so, he marked me.

There’s a common denominator of mourning tied up with the memory of our past selves. The death of a famous person is like remembering an old relationship. You don’t mourn the person you were with, necessarily. You mourn the person you were, when they made you feel things. This sort of nostalgia burns you a bit, like when you know you’re in the sun too long, but it feels too delicious to cover up just yet.

Prince And The Feels Photograph: Warner Bros/Allstar

When I hear Prince, I remember lots of detail from years past of sitting in my bedroom, daydreaming. Or doing homework, or studying  late, thinking about someone who didn’t notice…

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All good things….

Well it’s all over and I have five names and addresses of winners! None of my friends and family I fear, but at least that proves it’s a truly random selection! Nearly 500 people entered which is great; so you only had a 1/10 chance. Now to get posting in snail mail….

Thanks to everyone who registered for the Giveaway, I hope you’ll be able to read ‘Perian’s Journey’ soon even if you were not successful in the selection.

Now it’s back to concentrating firmly on writing ‘The Dry Well.’ In the intervals of real life, as always!


Day 8 of 10!

Remember to join in the giveaway to try for one of the five free copies of ‘Perian’s Journey.’…

That’s rather short as blog-posts go but I have the carpet fitters arriving soon!

More tomorrow…


Interview with fantasy author Annie Lima Douglass

Juli D. Revezzo, author of the Gears, Cogs, and Puppy Dogs series and more

I had the pleasure recently to interview fantasy author Annie Lima Douglass about her latest novel, The Gladiator and the Guard, the second in her the Krillonian Chronicles series. Here’s what she has to say about it.

Hi Annie, thanks for being with us today! Your new series seems both dark, and intriguing. Could you start by telling us a bit about your current series and the world the books are set in?

2814e-annie2bdouglass2blimaAnnie Lima Douglass: The Gladiator and the Guard is the second book in the Krillonian Chronicles, the first one being The Collar and the Cavvarach. The stories take place in a world almost exactly like our own.  Although most aspects of the culture are just about what they are currently on Earth, a few sports are different, such as the martial art known as cavvara shil.  The main difference, however, is that slavery is…

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Day 7:only three days left!

Perian cover pbk

If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet, here is the link. Good luck everyone!…

Meanwhile I’m continuing to work on ‘The Dry Well,’ which now has its various groups of characters moving about in apparently unrelated but actually (I hope!) significant directions.

What will happen when they come together?

Remember it’s a good idea to read ‘Shadows of the Trees’ before ‘The Dry Well’ – something for you to do while I’m writing!…

sample-shads Dry Well