When the morning is proceeding as quietly as it is today, with sleeping cats disposed randomly about the house, me on my computer and – hopefully – the decorator due any minute, if not an hour ago: then I wonder if CATALOGUES may have to give way to more bookly themes.

I of course find the mogs endlessly fascinating, and it’s notable how much of my nice long catch-up phone call with my daughter last night was devoted to discussion of her cat, my cats, her brother’s dog, etc etc.

I am dimly aware that there are people out there who find all this as interesting as watching the second-hand or digital equivalent marking the passage of their lives – if not less interesting.

But I find it hard to think myself into a mindset that leaves animals out of account. I can’t conceive of life without at least one cat sharing my home, or rather allowing me to remain in its home after it has taken it over.

So I suspect CATALOGUES will stay, with INTERLUDES for variety now and then. If this all drives you mad, feel free to tell me so in Comments. If you like it, ditto.

For now, purrs from the Mogs to you all.

Schrodinger's Cat Flap, "Am I in or out?"
Schrodinger’s Cat Flap, “Am I in or out?”